gemstone Secrets

gemstone Secrets

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This process is industry-standard, not requiring disclosure in the paperwork. Topaz itself is a great stone for rings, where softer stones may fail, and it’s commonly available due to its prevalence in the earth’s crust!

Pyrope garnet is the most famous of the red garnets. Its dark, blood red color often resembles the color of ruby.

The stone displays its remarkable color properties which are essentially tiny flecks of opal that shine naturally brilliant colors.

Lazulite is a rare gem type that has a stunning azure-blue to deep blue color that is normally cut into cabochon gems.

Overall, they’re an amazing stone! The material is also quite common, as long as you’re not looking for gem-grade material. Almandine garnet is one of the most commonly used abrasives in industrial water jets, for instance.

Tiger's eye is a type of opaque macrocrystalline quartz with a fibrous structure. It typically displays chatoyant stripes, because structural fibers are crooked or bent.

When worn, jasper sharpens the mind and protects it from both physical and psychological dangers. It brings peace and stillness during periods of stress and fear and bolsters courage, enabling the bearer to face life’s problems steadfastly.

Black tourmalines look dark and deep. They are said to help effectively eliminate stress, fatigue, and turbidity and improve physical health and luck.

But most of us think of precious opal when we hear the word. Precious opal has an internal fire that changes with the light as you move the stone around, creating a sparkling effect that’s nothing like any other natural stone.

A lot of the best lapis lazuli is held in locations like Afghanistan. Modern geopolitics and a long history of mining make the good stuff a bit more scarce than in the past.

The term selenite is used to refer to varieties of the mineral gypsum that show obvious crystalline structure. It is very soft at 2 on Moh’s hardness scale so rarely cut into gemstones.

Cat's Eye Moonstones come in a variety of delicate colors - white or colorless, cream, gray, yellow and orange are the most common. The unique Cat's Eye effect is quite strong in Moonstone which makes it a very popular gem.

Sunstone is plagioclase feldspar onyx western with a unique glitter from platelets of hematite. Typically it has a red glitter, and more rarely a blue or green glitter. Star sunstones are known but rare.

Axinite is a group of brown to violet-brown or reddish-brown minerals that sometimes occur in gem quality. Axinite is distinctive for its strong vitreous luster.

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